Tuesday, April 6, 2010

So I have seen this movie a while back but never got a chance to review it. Personally my opinion of "Cop Out" was a silly waste of time. In other words, it's just what we need right now. This really didn’t catch my attention of a movie I have to see but looked good enough for me to see. This outrageously action comedy that riffs on cop movie clichés even uses those movies to lay down the main plot for them plot.it also has a excellent director in my eyes, who actually brought many comedys in which many people love It's got automatic weapons, Tracy Morgan in overdrive and Bruce Willis always doing what “Bruce Willis” does." Even if you think this movie is a mess, you have to admit it's no boring.

The actors in this movie where alright, with bruce willis who is no veteran to cop movies does his normal work with an attempt of humor. While on the other hand they bring in his partner, who brings the absolute comedy to the film. People call tracy morgan “too much the spotlight hog”, but here his monkeyshines gain momentum. The nuttier he acts, the funnier he gets. He overplays everything. Willis did normal bruce by acting serious but smirk is firmly in place, but for the first time in years he seems actually amused and looked like he enjoyed this movie.

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