Sunday, April 18, 2010


for todays blog im going to be writing about the class book "Maus". This is an autobiography/ biography written by Art Spiegelmen. Spiegelmen was an underground comic book artist until he became noticed which sent him to main line comics. the good things about this book is that it is a graphic novel. even though it is a graphic novel it's not filled ith super heroes fighting evil doers but it actually tells a story of someones life in one of the worst time in history. aand even though this is a comic writing about a serious situation it doesn't water down this situation it tells it like it is and thats why i like maus.

the thing i really enjoy about this book is that it's a comic or a graphic novel. i have always been a comic book guy ever since i was little but, when it came down to school it was always reading books. so i had to basically seperate my school readings with my personal ones, but since this is a comic im basically getting the best of both worlds. the good thing that comics help with is the visuals of how these people lived. if this was just a book it would leave you to use your imagination to try and picture the scenes but with a comic it is already drawn out for you.

the other thing i really liked about this book was the "simplicity" of the book but it really brought a serious story to tell. this story is about the holocaust one of the worlds most nastiest things to ever happen, but they were able to kind of lighten the mood by using the characters as animals instead of people. also that even thought it is written in a simplistic way they dont fright away from what the story is about and that is the holocaust which was horrified with too much death espesially in a time of war. this is expressed in the story which comes to the third reason why i liked the story.

i also like the way that this story stuck with the truth. what i meant from this is that as serious as this story is they tdidnt sugar coat it and they said what needed to be said and didnt hide nothing. one example that comes to mind is after art's dad is telling art about his girlfriend, and her craziness, he tells art dont put this in the book, but he eventually did.

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