Monday, April 26, 2010

So in the last feww c hapters of that I have read since my last blog entry things have been kind of heating up in the book. When i say heating up i don't mean like it wasn't already full of action, but what i mean is that we know what eventually know what happens but know we can actually find out what happens when there captured. before any of this happens though anja asnd vladek have to go from hiding place to hiding place, which this is utterly impossible. the two of them make it through this by family members in the inside of the nazi regime. this isnt just a family favor though anja and vlade always have to pay family or not. these people, or more like an attitude or a state of mind, are called a kombinator. this makes you really, "think though if i was in the holocaust would i be a kombinator or would i just help out no matter what the risk?" another question to awnser is if i was would this be right i mean not only lawfully right but also morally?

for anyone who doesnt know about the book then you are definatelly not goinbg to get this blog but for those that do they'll know what's going on. vladek first mentions the term kombinator on page 118 hegoes on to give a definition of a kombinator , according to vladek, is "a guy who makes kombinacya, a schemer... a crook".

now that we know the definition of a kombinator we can finally ask and answer the question if we were in the halocaust would we be a kombinator? simple qustion right well that's what i tought but i found my self debating over this all weekend and also found myself flip-floping my decisions mor than an un expierenced president. at the end of it all though i came to an conclusion that kind of went both ways. in my conclusion i came upwith thati would be a kombinator.the one reason why is because vladeks cousin haskel was a kombinator and he survived through out the war. another reason is that it is posibble to save my family if i was a kombinator, i figure that if i'm helping out in someway i can basically buy time so i can live by making an escape plan especially if im close to the guards i can know where they are at at all times. but during my time as a kombinator i would be like haskel and hlp people but wont charge i wll kindly accept donations though but none is needed and this would just be something morally i would do because this is a horrible time and i would help out anyway possible along as i dont get burnt in the deal.
like i said earlier though earlier though this was a hard choice for me to make, but not only because there is a lot pros and cons but also because this effects with some moral desisions. for one is that if i was able to be like hskela kombinator will i be able to kill someone else to play my role and if i d will i be able to handle the weight of that burden and have tht person or peoples blood on my hand? then you think no i can't do that but then you think what about my family or friends. no one in thier right minds will want any ill will on them or will want there family to suffer especially the way you hear about the rumors about aushulwitz. so there is basically no way you can answer this but in my opinion i say this is morally not right, but during this time i would have to think aout my family and how to help them because i would always put them first before anything.

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