Monday, March 29, 2010

"She's Out Of My League"

Hello followers david here yo bring you another blog about another movie in the theathers. So today was date day and what better date movie then “She’s Outta My League”. So this movie was a romantic comedy, starring some actors with familiar faces but the first time we seen them star in a movie. This movie was a funny movie but not the funniest movie out but none the less this was a truly inspirational movie. This movie also makes you question about I guess you call an “high school scale” but many of us “grown” people still use today. And besides all the hidden notes that they give in this movie I like the actors in this film.

. This film has excellent actors which actually make excellent actors, especially for these actually not being big name stars. Most of these stars we might have seen as extras or co- stars in a film I have to give a tip of the hat to them because the actually held their own by themselves. Also that I don’t know about everyone else but I can reall relate my life to these characters. I say that because all the actors in this film have there own personas in which I can relate to each of my friends which I like because it sort of puts you closer to the film and really makes you want to route for the underdog star because you can relate to him wit your self

First im going to explain why I believe this movie is truly an inspiration. To explain my logic I have to first explain the movie to you in a nutshell. This movie is about a guy that really has nothing goin right for him in his life. Until he meets this girl which is totally out of his league, long story short they end up together after all odds are against them, this brings me to why I believe it is inspirational. I blook up to this film because every once in while we as humans are self conscious and this blocks us mentally from achieving what we want and performing at a 100%. But this movie shows that although that you may be self conscious that everyone is self conscious about one thing or another. So you shouldn’t let any thing hold you back not even old rules in which we used to follow.

This brings me to another point that we as a society sometimes believe in a imigainary rule in which a lot of people would believe in and really holds us back. This scale im talkin about is the scale of hotness, this scale explains a level in which people or kids would believe in and the level in which people are suppose to be in each other. this is the reason that the movie is called “she’s outta my league”. Most of us as kids would follow this rule, hell we might even still follow it. I know I did and this always kept me at a level and always afraid of actually reaching any higher. This movie shows that this scale blows though because its not what level you are and what you have to settle with. it is about what you feel in your heart and if you were to give someone a chance without following the scale and go on a date to see this movie andyou might see that you might truly be happy with some one outta your league

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