Sunday, February 7, 2010

"The Book Of Eli"

Hello bloggers and movie goers today i'm going to tell you about "The Book of Eli". Sorry it's none of the newest movies out, I was kind of preoccupied with the superbowl, but if you are one of the few who hasn't checked out this movie yet, I advise you to go see it. "The Book of Eli" is a movie filled with action with a lot of religous aspects. The reason why I kind of came to this conclusion was if anyone kind of had a sense of the bible they would see that eli's story kind of matches up to jesus's life. One scene that helped me realize that is the scene, where after an action filled gunfight between Eli (Denzel Washington) and Carnegie (Gary Oldman), Eli gives up when pushed to the wall and expects to walk away ater giving up the book but is shot down left for dead. but after being capture and then escaping to rush back to Eli, Solara (Mila Kunis) comes to find that the so called "diseased" Eli is missing. Does this sound familiar because it should be, this is likely simalar to the rebirth of jesus, which gives the movie it's religous touch. So in conclusioneither your a big Denzel fan, an action movie fan or religious and heard that this movie has religous aspects, I give this movie 4 1/2 stars, you should really go see it.

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