Monday, February 15, 2010

"The Spy Next Door"

Hello Bloggers, David here again to bring you yet another blog. This time i'm going to tell you about the newest Jackie Chan movie out called "The Spy Next Door". In this movie Bob Hope (Jackie Chan) is a foreign exchge spy on loan to the U.S., until he falls in love and decides to retire to live a suburbia life. Until he puts the ones cares for in trouble and he is left to rely on his spy skills to help. This movie had a couple of good appearances like Billy Ray Cyrus and George Lopez which brought a comedic feel and a few laughs. One moment for instance that comes to mind is in the begining where after the last mission for Bob all three actors were in their hideout, pulling wisecracks on eachother. At the end of it all this movie seemed lie yur basic "Jackie Chan" movie, cool but very family oriented.

This movie was made for a family oriented audience, meaning it is viewable for kids. But don't get me wrong it's not like a "Hannah Montana Movie"made exclusively for kids, there is alot of action and fight scenes but nothing to violent.I kinda came to this claim by the way this movie is set up with actually taking care of a family, he helps out this family out with advice and kinda playing a father figure to the kids.One moet in the movie where the oldest of he kids is in her terribe teen age is felling lost and abanded because her father left the family out of nowhere but Jackie comes in and tries to support her. Another reason I came to this claim was because you can see this movie has the potential to be a "Jet Li" or "Jason Statham" style film but decided to take a softer route so that this film is viewable to everyone. because thier is some pretty awesome fight scenes like the one in the begining it had alot of cool flips and sliding and could've got intense, but it was mild down, yet still cool. So my overall review of the movie is that it is a really good movie but don't expect it to be like any of the "Rush Hour" movies.

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