Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Lovely Bones

I believe the movie, "The Lovely Bones" was a good movie, dark, but really good. Many critics, like "Ebert Robert", bashed on this movie because it was a movie of nonsense and no emotion. Well I always liked Ebert's reviews I have to disagree with him on this one. "Susie Salmon" ,the main character, is a ghost before she is able to rest in peace. She shows many emotions during her journey, such as anger and resentment, sadness and even fear all while looking down on her family trying to move on with thier lives. One moment that proves this is when she shows anger and pain as she sees her father obsess over solving the mystery of her death. Susie also shows that she knew in her heart that het afterlife will never be perfect only until she feels her life is fufilled on earth.

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