Monday, May 10, 2010

"what would you do"

so in this week week of english 914 we were suppose to finally finish "Maus" all the way through. through out this whole book Vladek and everyone else in the book were set with decsisions that would set a story in totally different directions. many of the desiscions that i'm talking about are like killed or be killed, to run or to stay or even to the heavy decsions of trust. this is what the story of maus was built upon.

through out the whole story vladek, anja and im pretty sure the rest of the jewish people had the desiscion of to trust peolpe or to not to. during this time of war and the holocaust many people had to really trust people but you couldnt trust people as far as you can throw them, you cant even trust your own friends or family desiscion of trust that first comes to mind is the time when vladek runs into this one guy that has been folowing him inside a town and starts talking to him in yiddish and tells him to check out the black market. this could possibly be trap to wrangle up the jewish people, but if i was in his place i'd probally do the same thing as him because at this time none of the jewish people or any of the holocaust victims knew of what the nazi has had planned. another descion that comes to mind is the desiscion of rather anja and vladek should give up richieu to a polish governess or to just keep them. as we all should know that when this first oppertunity came up they passed on it but they eventuall gave him up. perssonally in my own opinion i would not give up richeiu because no matter what i believe my son would be safer with me than anyone else but if you are going to give up your son just do it the first chance you get because you have to do it like a band aid, quick as as possible. finally one big descion of trust is when vladek and his family and also some of his friends were given the oppurtunity to leave and escape rthe country but during this time people knew of the camps, but should they take the risk of trusting the smugglers are should they not trust them and find anotherway? as we all know by now that trust these smugglers is a bad thing because they end up double crossing vladek and his group, but i wouldnt have done this from the beginning if i were in vladeks shoes because they had good staying with mrs. motonowa so why just throw it away?

with the last desisions they led into alot of tie ins into my next choice of decisions which is rather in some of vladek and anja's decisions of rather they should stay in fear or risk the chance of being caught to get out of poland. through out this book they always are set out with a choice of leaving or staying like the last example that i had in the begining of where they risk the chance oof leaving the country by the means of smugglers. and like i said before i would still not risk leaving the country because i do not trust those smugglers and everything was good at mrs. motonowa's so why mess it up. another decision of stability is in chapter five of book one, in the last part when every thing looks like they are in the clear, but yet some of vladek's group decides to go out of hiding and to bribe a nazi guard to let them go free in which he decides "ok" but vladek wants no doing of this. so in the conclusion of thisis that we come to find out the guard shoots vladek's friends. in this part i would have to agree with vldek and stay because thier is like no way you can trust a nazi, especially if you were jewish.oh and another desicion that 0just came up is the time when vladek was already placed in aushalwitz but they believe they are going to be free because the war was coming closer and closer to the camps so him and a small group decide to stay in the camp during the round ups and to just hide out till the alli soldiers come near. so they get civillian clothes and enough food to last so everything is set but they decide to leave because they heard of a rumor that the germans were going to burn the camp which they did not. so back to the question what would i do? i would actually stay because ifigure that if i go with the nazis i was going to die anyways so my as well risk my freedom with this rumor as it comes , because doing everything to get ready for this escape is just a total waste then.

finally the this last desiscion is the biggest one and probally one of the hardest deciscions is the one of killing. with a book abouth the holocaust this is a major desision because this was the holocaust and it wasnt just the nazis that were killing, but it was also the jewish people killing eachother. in one moment in the book when vladek and anja plus thier group were hiding in the attic they happen to come upon a fellow jewish man who was "looting" and spotted them. the group eventually pulls up the guy to question him, within the group they debated about rather they should kill him because if they let him go chances are he will tell a gustapo about them, or can they trust him to go on his way? we find out that vladek lets the guy go but gets turned in like the rest of the group thought. personally if i were in this desision i wouldve tied the guy up and kept him hidden until i was ble to find another place to hide. another desision of life or death i would say is the nazis, i believe the nazi didnt have to kill but their life probally depended on it, because the nazi are a twisted group. one nazi that i believe that was sort of nice was the one that vladek would say hi to in the aushwalitz, until he left for a while then he got really insecure. i believe that they probally told this guy some thing because as you remember that in the beginning of the war vladek was a soilder but didnt want to shoot but was told to so he shot in the air. but this brings my point that the nazis didnt have to kill that they couldve just been like vladek and shot in the air instead of killing.

Monday, May 3, 2010


todays blog im going to be writing about the class book "Maus". This is an autobiography/ biography written by Art Spiegelmen. Spiegelmen was an underground comic book artist until he became noticed which sent him to main line comics.maus is a story of a son trying to connect with his father and late mother by learning about their time in the holocaust.

the thing i really enjoy about this book is that it's a comic or a graphic novel. i have always been a comic book guy ever since i was little but, when it came down to school it was always reading books. so i had to basically seperate my school readings with my personal ones, but since this is a comic im basically getting the best of both worlds. the good thing that comics help with is the visuals of how these people lived. if this was just a book it would leave you to use your imagination to try and picture the scenes but with a comic it is already drawn out for you.

the other thing i really liked about this book was the "simplicity" of the book but it really brought a serious story to tell. this story is about the holocaust one of the worlds most nastiest things to ever happen, but they were able to kind of lighten the mood by using the characters as animals instead of people. also that even thought it is written in a simplistic way they dont fright away from what the story is about and that is the holocaust which was horrified with too much death espesially in a time of war. this is expressed in the story which comes to the third reason why i liked the story.

i also like the way that this story stuck with the truth. what i meant from this is that as serious as this story is they tdidnt sugar coat it and they said what needed to be said and didnt hide nothing. one example that comes to mind is after art's dad is telling art about his girlfriend, and her craziness, he tells art dont put this in the book, but he eventually did. also since this is a comic book the serious is lightened but after a while we for get that these peolpe are drawn as animals and see them as people and we can actually symphathize with them and actually feel sorry. one moment in the book i know it really affecteed me because i felt really bad for the guy. the reason for that i think is because i actrually seen an episode of opera and it really touch me it was probally one of the saddest things i have like ever seen.